Our Adventures Begin!
In the wee hours of Thursday morning, June 7, our family of 6 drove away from Lake Stevens for the last time as Washington residents. We took in the view of the lake, Mt Rainier, and other favorite sights as we made our way out of town. We made it to Seattle just in time to open up our favorite organic vegan donut shop, Mighty-O Donuts. Loaded up with deliciousness, away we went!
After a couple short stops, we arrived at our first destination of Boise, Idaho! We checked into our hotel and headed out for adventure around downtown. Boise is beautiful, booming city, with lots of options within walking distance. We visited the Anne Frank Memorial and took a photo in front of the Capitol. After returning to the hotel for a swim in the pool, we finished the night with ice cream for dinner!
Friday morning, after breakfast and a great cup of espresso, we were on the road again. Next stop: Salt Lake City!
A few things we learned:
– It’s best to practice hooking up the DVD player BEFORE you leave instead of while driving down the interstate. On a positive note, we all practiced problem-solving skills while figuring it out! Win!
– Sometimes it’s just worth it to have donuts for breakfast and ice cream for dinner. Life is an adventure!
– It might not be the most romantic way to spend your 15th anniversary on the road with kids, but when you love each other, you can make anything fun!
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